Europäisches Junior-Wasserprogramm

Water is the most important raw material on earth, the cornerstone of life. In order to be able to deal with problems arising from issues like climate change - leading to already existing but also to future water problems - young and motivated experts who find solutions for a sustainable water management are required.


A network for sustainable watermanagement

Our employee, Felix Perner (Probig Sales  and Distribution), took the opportunity to get an insight into a program that was developed for precisely his target group. The European Junior Water Program (EJWP) has already started for the second time this year and has set itself the goal of building up a community of young European experts in the field of water management. The program aims to provide participants with tools, skills and a suitable network for collaboration in order to guarantee solutions for the creation and maintenance of a safe and sustainable water management system in Europe.

As a company in the field of water and wastewater treatment, we can recommend the EJWP as a unique opportunity to those who want to acquire in-depth knowledge in the field of water management over a period of two years and additionally want to benefit from an international network.

More information about the exact program content:


The European Junior Water Program (EJWP) was developed in partnership between the National Watertraineeship (NWT) in the Netherlands, the Wetskills Foundation (Wetskills) and the Water Supply and Sanitation Platform (WssTP) in Brussels, Belgium.